Obituary: Lesley Stockton


Written by Liza Adams and Becca Thackray


From left to right: Liza Adams, Lesley Stockton and Jacqui Driver

We are sad to announce that Lesley Stockton recently passed away on 22 June 2022. She would have been 63 years old on the 6 September. She worked as a clinic tutor at the BSO/UCO and was part of the legendary Wednesday Team 1.

Lesley was a straightforward forthright individual, a traditional osteopath using all approaches, who expected greatness from herself and others.

She was passionate about osteopathy and was an inspirational tutor who mastered her skills and shared her knowledge with others whom she recognised had potential. Intolerant of mediocre standards, she looked for greatness in others and enhanced their evolution as osteopaths. She was a strong woman and survivor who recognised trauma in others and was resilient and generous-hearted, kind and a defender of the underdog. She was not a virtue signaller but rather a virtue enforcer.

Treating elite athletes around the world, gold-medal Olympians and high-profile Wimbledon stars, celebrities and families ranging from comedians to stars of Harry Potter were also among her clients. She remained discrete about her clientele, never one to show off.

Lesley married Laurie in St Lucia and they enjoyed many travel adventures, good food and drink. He shared Lesley’s interests in animal rescue, and they enjoyed time together on their canal boat. She adored him and he cared for her through many years of illness and loved her to the end.