New Chair of the Osteopathic Foundation appointed


The Osteopathic Foundation (oF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dee Sissons as its new Chair.

Dee has forged a strong healthcare career and has extensive leadership experience. She has held a variety of senior NHS nursing roles, as well as serving as Chair of the Royal College of Nursing and is at present Chief Executive of Rainbows, the children’s hospice.

Maurice Cheng CEO of the Institute of Osteopathy, which holds stewardship of the Foundation, said of Dee’s appointment: ‘From the exceptionally strong field interviewed, Dee’s credentials in the health sector were impressive.  As a seasoned NHS leader, it was immediately apparent that she would bring huge value to the development of the oF in its charitable aims.’ Of her appointment Dee said:

 ‘I am delighted to be a part of the future of the Osteopathic Foundation. In my various roles, I have witnessed first-hand the difference a tailored, whole-person approach to health can make and understand and appreciate the important role that osteopaths play in healthcare. I am committed to helping drive the foundation’s important work forward and excited about helping guide their ambitious plans for the future of the profession.’

The oF Board would also like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Duncan Empey for stepping in as interim chair to oversee the Foundation while a new chair was sought.  Duncan will continue to bring his wealth of experience and insight to the oF as a highly valued member of the oF Board,


Dee commences her role with the Osteopathic Foundation on 30 June 2022.


About the oF

The Osteopathic Foundation is a charitable trust dedicated to advancing osteopathic practice for the benefit of the public. It does this by funding education and research, and by promoting productive relationships both within and outside of the profession.

The Foundation receives no government funding and relies on donations from members of the public and the profession. For more information, including how to donate visit: