Health advice

Today’s society places ever-increasing demands on our time. With the pressures of juggling career, domestic tasks, managing finances, and caring for loved ones, it can be difficult to concentrate on our own health.

It is often only when our health begins to suffer and our body starts to send out alarm signals forcing us to slow down, that we truly begin to focus on ourselves.

However, by making time for yourself every day, to eat healthily, exercise and focus on your inner wellbeing, you will ultimately reduce your risk of developing a variety of serious health conditions. Not only will this benefit your health long-term, but by spending time on you, you ensure that you continue to be there for those you love for years to come.


Osteopaths aim to support the health of those we treat by providing manual therapy treatment together with both health and exercise advice, tailored to the individual needs of those under our care. The following articles, written by osteopaths provide advice, guidance and tips on how by making just a few changes, you too can reap the rewards of a healthier lifestyle.

We update information on these pages regularly and would welcome suggestions on content that you would find useful from our osteopaths to support your health. Contact us at


When sunny weather arrives in the UK it is tempting to embrace the sun. However, it is an important time to remember sun safety - especially as the number of skin cancers in the UK is rising faster than any other common cancer. Here we share the essential tips for prevention and early detection.
Keeping your mental health in shape is important to live an optimal life. Maintaining a good mental health will make you feel better, raise your energy levels and increase your sense of general well-being amongst yourself and with others.
Osteopathy for Health provides general tips and advice for you to help optimise their physical…


We all know that keeping active is good for our bodies, our minds and has many benefits. Not sure where to start? Read advice from our osteopath on how much physical activity you should be aiming for, how to get started or become more active, and about the positive influence that physical activity can have on your health.
Everyone knows the feeling after a bad night’s sleep, often irritable and unproductive. Longer lasting sleep disruption can have a much more significant effect on both our mental wellbeing and our physical health. Find our more on how important getting a good night's sleep really is for your health and top tips to make you sleep better.
Everybody gets grey hair and wrinkles as we get older. In the same way, it is normal for our muscles, bones, joints and tissues to change as we age, but it does not follow that we will experience increased pain or stiffness when this happens. Our osteopath gives advice on healthy ageing and how you can manage common age-related conditions to keep yourself happy and healthy into your older years.


Are you fit for work? Whether you work at a desk or have a more manual occupation, your job may expose you to stresses and strains that can cause you pain. It is estimated that 30.8 million working days lost each year due to issues, such as back, neck and upper limb pain. Our osteopath provides advice for keeping healthy at work whether you sit at a desk or lift for a living.
Eating healthily has both mental and physical benefits. It is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. A healthy diet can make you look and feel better, raise your energy levels and increase your sense of general well-being.
Pain, whilst unpleasant, can be a very useful sensation to have. Short term pain helps us protect us from future injury and is part of the natural healing process. However when pain continues over a long period of time it becomes what is known as 'persistent pain' which will require further management. Our osteopaths provides information on pain and what it means to have persistent pain.


Here you will find more advice and articles written by osteopaths to help you keep healthy. Whether it's why women should do weights or what to do if you sustain an injury check here for further advice.

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