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Georgina Leelodharry

Georgina joined the Institute of Osteopathy in 2008, when it was known as the British Osteopathic Association, in a Membership Services role.

She was appointed Head of Operations in November 2016. Prior to this, she was a Programme Administrator at the University of Bedfordshire, with previous experience in the leisure and hospitality industry.

As Head of Operations, Georgina ensures that the internal teams function effectively. She supports the Chief Executive, both by contributing to the strategy and overseeing its careful and timely implementation. Georgina’s role includes building strong external relations on behalf of the Institute.

Georgina is also the Data Controller for the Institute of Osteopathy and has responsibility for ensuring compliance with the new GDPR regulations.  She also supports members with Fitness to Practice proceedings brought by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and challenges GOsC when the iO considers that they are not acting in a fair or appropriate way.

Role: Head of Operations