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Elliott Reid

From an early age, Elliott has held a deep-rooted interest in sports, fitness and the human body. This began with taking part in boxing and weightlifting. As an inquisitive thinker, he wished to know more about the mechanisms which allow the human body to perform such tasks leading, inevitably, to a career in osteopathy. This interest developed into a passion that has seen him open a private practice aiming to debunk common myths. Elliott spends much of his free time researching. This knowledge is then applied to provide osteopathic treatment as effective as possible, speeding patient recovery.

He believes that the future for all osteopaths is very promising. He says that the multi-faceted nature of ideal health also provides potential career pathways within our profession, where we can build accredited courses to provide more niche osteopaths for more challenging clinical presentations.

‘It would be an honour to be able to use my skill set to shape the profession for the betterment of my fellow osteopaths and the profession’s combined patient list. In short, I believe the profession has a fantastically bright future that will be made even more promising with a unified, evidence-based approach to our work. This combined with effective marketing could revolutionise the future of osteopathy. I cannot wait to take my experience and push the profession in the right direction. Thank you so much’.

Role: Member